Monday, November 09, 2009

health care

I keep forgetting this is here. Life goes on and on, and I get all caught up in living. I need to figure out a direction, or a reason, or something.....I don't know.

It's not like there aren't a kazillion things to say.

This Saturday in New Orleans there will be a free health fair. I hope it is well attended. Why are people so afraid of having universal health care???? I don't get it, unless, of course, they believe it is fair and right and all that for some people to not have health care while others do.

I have excellent health care. I'm lucky, and I know that. My mother gave me a great gift, and as a result I have health insurance for the rest of my life at a very low cost. But I believe that everyone deserves to have excellent health care just by virtue of being a human being. Health care should NOT be about profit!

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